Counselling & Assistance

Psychosocial Counseling and Specialized Trauma Counseling

Psychosocial Counseling and Care

The starting point of the culturally sensitive and trauma-centred specialised counselling is a resource-oriented approach that strengthens the clients in their learning and self-help processes as well as in their own competences. The counselling and assistance offered includes the following:

  • Clarification of residence and social law issues and referral to legal aid
  • Provision of medical help and psychotherapeutic support
  • Provision of security measures (e.g. disclosure ban, secure accommodation)
  • Victim assistance and psychosocial support during trials
  • Arrangement of German courses as well as qualification measures
  • Assistance with integration issues
  • Special counseling for returnees (SOLWODI project of voluntary return)

Specialized Trauma Counseling

In the SOLWODI specialized help center certified counselors for psychotraumatology and victim support help traumatized clients to become stabilized through psychoinformation as well as through calming and grAt the SOLWODI counselling centre, certified counsellors for psychotraumatology and victim support help traumatised clients to stabilise themselves, both through psycho-information and through calming and distancing techniques. In the relationship dynamics and work of trauma counselling, clients learn, among other things, to use their self-healing powers, to strengthen their perception, to observe themselves and to calm down. If psychotraumatological psychotherapy is necessary, this stabilisation phase is an important preparation for it.