SOLWODI is the abbreviation of “SOLidarity with WOmen in DIstress“
SOLWODI is an independant organization for migrant and refugee women in distress, and a specialized counseling center for victims of human trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence, exploitation and human rights violations.
The target group of SOLWODI Berlin are migrant and refugee women in particular need of protection, with a focus on African women and victims of human trafficking.
The goals of the work are:
- Promoting security, stabilisation, social connection, self-efficacy and participation of the clients, as well as strengthening their identity.
- Promoting a peaceful coexistence through culturally sensitive, anti-discrimination and human-rights based work.
- Development of resources and broadening of perspectives through cooperation, networking and involvement of the clients.
SOLWODI was founded in 1985 by Sr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lea Ackermann in Kenya and in 1988 in Germany (SOLWODI Deutschland e. V.). Today SOLWODI has 19 counselling centres througout Germany.
SOLWODI Berlin e.V.
The specialized counseling center in Berlin was established by the Comboni Missionary Sisters Sr. Margit Forster and Sr. Beatrice Mariotti in late 2007. Since May 2015 the center operates under the newly founded registered association SOLWODI Berlin e. V.
Members of the management board (since September 2020)
- Chairwoman: Prof. Dr. Christine Funk
- Deputy Chairwoman: Dr. Susanna Kahlefeld, MdA
- Deputy Chairwoman: Sr. Annette Fleischhauer, SSpS
Association members
- Dr. Sylvester Ajunwa
- Gudrun Angelis
- Lissy Eichert
- Annette Fleischhauer
- Prof. Dr. Christine Funk
- Monika Grötzinger
- Klaudia Höfig
- Prof. Barbara John
- Dr. Susanna Kahlefeld, MdA
- Martin Kalinowski
- Dr. Martina Köppen
- Beatrice (Mabel) Mariotti
- Frido Pflüger
- Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Thierse, Bundestagspräsident a. D.
- Prof. Dr. Birgit Thoma
- Dr. Martin Thoma
- Traudl Vorbrodt

The counseling center’s personnel costs are predominantly funded by the The counselling centre’s personnel costs are mainly funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Health, Care and Equality as well as by non-profit donors and donations. The material costs, especially for the creative projects as well as for the direct expenses for the clients, are largely financed by donations.